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Category: Success Stories

Success: PIP award increased

Our client called to say thank you to the advisers in our Faversham office for helping them with their issues. After 18 months of a PIP review process, their PIP was reassessed for the enhanced rate for mobility and daily living. Our client found the process during the cost of living crisis to be very […]

Success: Client struggling to deal with issues says a grateful thank you

Our adviser, Keith, with a generous donation from a very grateful client. Our client is elderly with health problems and is struggling to deal with various issues. We’ve assisted the client on numerous occasions with various issues, and the client wanted to convey their gratitude to all of the team. Well done to our fabulous […]

Success: Maximising our client’s income before Winter sets in

Our Autumnal John and Andrea were delighted to receive a donation of £40 from a client they helped in Faversham. The team successfully helped the client with the following annual income/savings: – Attendance Allowance awarded at higher rate – £5,644.60 – Pension Credit awarded – £1,768.00, which then triggered entitlement to Winter Fuel Payment – […]

Success: Empowering clients to manage debt

Our client had a number of catalogues and loans they were struggling to pay due to an increase in living costs. We went through a budget plan with them to determine how much available income they had after paying essential expenditure, other household bills, travel, communications and leisure, housekeeping and personal costs. Our client has […]

Success: Increasing our client’s income by over £6,000

Our client is single. Their child has just left education, and therefore their income is reducing by a considerable amount. Both our client and their child have health issues, neither are able to work, and they’re struggling financially. After speaking with our client to determine how we can support them, our adviser: Issued a fuel […]

Success: Working together with other agencies to help our clients

Our client was referred for a foodbank voucher. They are unable to work due to health issues and have debts of over £4,000, for which they are already making some payments. Our client had already been assisted to apply for a fridge/freezer, but on further investigation our adviser realised they were also in need of […]

Success: Financial capability and energy awareness success

Our client got in contact with us to request a fuel voucher, as they were due to run out that day. Our client is single and has health issues which are a huge worry for them. They are unemployed, looking for work, and have a debt management plan for their debts. Our adviser: Issued a […]

Success: Client supported by a variety of services

Our client was referred by Adviceline, seeking further advice about Universal Credit. When speaking with the client, they did not required UC advice, as they had already made a claim. On further investigation, it was clear that the client was struggling to afford fuel. Our adviser issued fuel vouchers for £79, requested a £100 prepaid […]

Success: Client is delighted with white goods support

Our client is single, has severe health issues and is unable to work. Our client has been borrowing a small fridge and a small freezer, but they were not in very good condition. Our adviser applied to the British Gas Energy Trust White Goods Fund for a tall fridge/freezer, which was delivered, but unfortunately the […]